Your home needs to stay properly hydrated in order to maintain the health and comfort of those living in it. Air that is too dry can act like a giant sponge, soaking moisture up from woodwork, wood floors and furnishings, not to mention symptoms of dry skin, chapped lips, dry nasal passages and static electricity. Dry air can take a toll on your family and your home.
Bypass humidifiers can help introduce moisture into your home helping you reach the appropriate humidity level. This not only increases comfort, but can also reduce heating bills. Because humidified air feels warmer, you’ll be able to turn your thermostat down for energy savings.
Your furnace sends warm air through the unit and a water-soaked Vapour Pad®. Newly-moistened air is then delivered throughout your home via the duct system. Breathe healthier with a GeneralAire® Model 3200 Evaporative Humidifier.
To serve our customers better, we restrict our service area to the City of London and the immediate surrounding towns. That way, one of our red trucks is never far from your home when we dispatch.
We know every part of the city. We’ll probably have a pretty good idea of what to expect, before we arrive at your home.